If you are a fitness enthusiast, you probably have a lot of workout clothes in your closet. You might have different outfits for different activities, such as running, yoga, cycling, or lifting weights. You might also have different colors, styles, and fabrics to suit your mood and preferences. But how do you keep your workout clothes organized and easy to find? How do you make sure they are clean, fresh, and ready to wear whenever you need them?

In this blog post, I will share with you some tips and tricks on how to organize workout clothes. I will show you how to sort, store, and care for your fitness apparel, so you can always have the best outfit for your workout. I have been a fitness lover for over 10 years, and I have learned a lot about how to manage my workout wardrobe. I have tried different methods and systems, and I have found what works best for me and my lifestyle. I hope you will find this blog post helpful and informative, and that you will be able to apply some of these ideas to your own situation.

The best way to organize workout clothes is to sort them by activity, color, and season, and to store them in separate drawers, bins, or baskets. You should also wash your workout clothes regularly, using gentle detergent and cold water, and dry them on low heat or air dry them. You should also fold or roll your workout clothes neatly, and label your storage containers for easy identification. By following these simple steps, you will be able to keep your workout clothes organized and in good condition, and you will save time and space in your closet.

how to organize workout clothes

Why You Should Organize Your Workout Clothes

Organizing your workout clothes has many benefits, both for you and for your clothes. Here are some of the reasons why you should organize your workout clothes:

  • It makes it easier to find what you need. When you have your workout clothes sorted and stored in a logical way, you don’t have to waste time digging through your closet or dresser to find the right outfit for your workout. You can just grab what you need and go.
  • It helps you create a routine. When you have your workout clothes organized, you are more likely to stick to your fitness goals and schedule. You can plan your workouts ahead of time, and have your clothes ready for each day. This way, you don’t have to think too much about what to wear, and you can focus on your performance and results.
  • It saves you space and money. When you have your workout clothes organized, you can optimize the space in your closet or dresser, and avoid clutter and mess. You can also avoid buying duplicates or unnecessary items, and save money on your fitness apparel. You can also extend the life of your workout clothes, and prevent them from getting damaged or worn out.
  • It boosts your mood and confidence. When you have your workout clothes organized, you can feel more motivated and inspired to work out. You can also feel more comfortable and confident in your clothes, and enjoy your fitness activities more. You can also express your personality and style, and have fun with your workout outfits.

How to Sort Your Workout Clothes

The first step to organize your workout clothes is to sort them by different criteria, such as activity, color, and season. This will help you group your clothes into categories, and make it easier to store and access them. Here are some tips on how to sort your workout clothes:

  • Sort by activity. You should sort your workout clothes by the type of activity you do, such as running, yoga, cycling, or lifting weights. This way, you can have different outfits for different workouts, and choose the best clothes for each activity. For example, you might have leggings, tank tops, and sports bras for yoga, shorts, t-shirts, and socks for running, and sweatpants, hoodies, and gloves for cycling. You can also sort your clothes by the intensity or duration of your workouts, such as low-impact, high-impact, or long-distance.
  • Sort by color. You should also sort your workout clothes by color, and group them by similar shades or tones. This will help you create a color scheme for your workout wardrobe, and make it easier to mix and match your clothes. You can also use color to express your mood and preferences, and choose the colors that suit you best. For example, you might have black, gray, and white for neutral and versatile outfits, blue, green, and purple for cool and calming outfits, or red, orange, and yellow for warm and energizing outfits.
  • Sort by season. You should also sort your workout clothes by season, and group them by the weather and temperature. This will help you choose the best clothes for each season, and adapt to the changing climate. You can also use season to vary your workout wardrobe, and try different styles and fabrics. For example, you might have cotton, linen, and mesh for summer, wool, fleece, and flannel for winter, and polyester, nylon, and spandex for all seasons.

How to Store Your Workout Clothes

The next step to organize your workout clothes is to store them in separate drawers, bins, or baskets. This will help you keep your clothes organized and easy to find, and prevent them from getting wrinkled, stained, or lost. Here are some tips on how to store your workout clothes:

  • Use drawers for small and light items. You should use drawers for items that are small and light, such as socks, underwear, sports bras, and accessories. You can use dividers or organizers to separate your items by type, color, or activity. You can also label your drawers for easy identification. You should fold or roll your items neatly, and arrange them in rows or columns, so you can see everything at a glance.
  • Use bins or baskets for large and heavy items. You should use bins or baskets for items that are large and heavy, such as pants, shorts, shirts, and jackets. You can use different sizes and shapes of bins or baskets to fit your space and needs. You can also label your bins or baskets for easy identification. You should fold or roll your items neatly, and stack them vertically or horizontally, so you can access them easily.
  • Use hangers for delicate and special items. You should use hangers for items that are delicate and special, such as dresses, skirts, jumpsuits, and coats. You can use wooden, plastic, or velvet hangers to hang your items in your closet or on a rack. You can also use clips or hooks to hang your items by the waist or straps. You should hang your items by length, color, or activity, so you can create a visual order and harmony.

How to Care for Your Workout Clothes

The last step to organize your workout clothes is to care for them properly, and keep them clean, fresh, and ready to wear. This will help you maintain the quality and condition of your clothes, and prevent them from getting damaged or worn out. Here are some tips on how to care for your workout clothes:

  • Wash your workout clothes regularly. You should wash your workout clothes after every use, or at least once a week, depending on how often you work out. You should use gentle detergent and cold water, and wash your clothes in a separate load or in a mesh bag. You should also avoid using bleach, fabric softener, or dryer sheets, as they can damage the fabric and reduce the breathability and elasticity of your clothes.
  • Dry your workout clothes properly. You should dry your workout clothes on low heat or air dry them, depending on the fabric and instructions. You should avoid using high heat or direct sunlight, as they can shrink, fade, or burn your clothes. You should also avoid hanging your clothes by the seams or edges, as they can stretch or sag your clothes. You should lay your clothes flat or hang them by the center, and reshape them if needed.
  • Store your workout clothes correctly. You should store your workout clothes in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from heat, moisture, and light. You should also avoid storing your clothes in plastic bags or containers, as they can trap moisture and cause mold or mildew. You should use breathable and natural materials, such as cotton, linen, or bamboo, to store your clothes. You should also avoid folding or rolling your clothes too tightly, as they can crease or wrinkle your clothes. You should leave some space and air between your clothes, and fluff them occasionally.


Organizing your workout clothes is not only a practical and useful task, but also a fun and rewarding one. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a well-organized and efficient workout wardrobe, and enjoy the benefits of having the best outfit for your workout. You can also save time and space in your closet, and extend the life of your workout clothes. You can also boost your mood and confidence, and express your personality and style.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative, and that you learned something new and useful. If you did, please share it with your friends and family, and let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you for reading, and happy organizing! 😊


Q: How do I organize my workout clothes in a small space?

A: If you have a small space, you can use some creative and clever solutions to organize your workout clothes, such as:

  • Using vertical space, such as shelves, hooks, or racks, to store your clothes.
  • Using multifunctional furniture, such as ottomans, benches, or beds, that have hidden storage compartments.
  • Using organizers, such as boxes, baskets, or bins, that can fit under your bed, on your closet floor, or on your closet door, to store your clothes.
  • Using vacuum bags, ziplock bags, or compression bags, to reduce the volume of your clothes and store them in tight spaces.
  • Using labels, tags, or stickers, to identify and categorize your clothes and make them easy to find.

Q: How do I organize my workout clothes by color?

A: If you want to organize your workout clothes by color, you can use some simple and effective methods, such as:

  • Using a color wheel, a color chart, or a color app, to determine the colors of your clothes and group them by similar shades or tones.
  • Using a rainbow order, a grayscale order, or a custom order, to arrange your clothes by color and create a visual order and harmony.
  • Using color-coded hangers, dividers, or bins, to separate your clothes by color and make them easy to access.

Q: How do I organize my workout clothes by season?

A: If you want to organize your workout clothes by season, you can use some practical and smart strategies, such as:

  • Using a seasonal rotation, a seasonal swap, or a seasonal purge, to change your clothes according to the weather and temperature, and keep only the clothes that you need for the current season.
  • Using a capsule wardrobe, a minimalist wardrobe, or a mix-and-match wardrobe, to create a versatile and functional workout wardrobe, and use the same clothes for different seasons with minor adjustments.
  • Using a storage system, a storage solution, or a storage service, to store your off-season clothes in a safe and convenient place, such as your attic, basement, garage, or a storage unit.


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