Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta program v11 has been eagerly awaited by many Tesla owners. The company has finally started to roll out the latest version to more vehicles after a slow rollout to a few long-standing testers and its employees. The controlled rollout is crucial to ensure that the FSD Beta’s behaviors and tendencies are monitored in a safe environment, allowing Tesla to identify and fix any issues or bugs before a wider release.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, initially announced that v11 would begin to go live a week ago, but the company has only recently started releasing it to more vehicles. FSD Beta v11.3.2 is the latest version of the software and is being rolled out with Tesla software update 2022.45.11. According to TeslaScope, more vehicles are being updated with the FSD Beta v11 and more drivers on the r/TeslaMotors subreddit are reporting that they have received the update.

New Improvements in FSD Beta V11

The early versions of this rollout have already shown several improvements to highway driving, with inner-city street navigation refined and feeling more accurate than ever before. The full release notes for the FSD Beta feature a range of improvements, including: Unifying Vision and Planning Stack On and Off-Highway: The latest FSD improves the recall for close-by cut-in cases, particularly for large trucks and high-yaw rate scenarios. This was achieved through an additional 30k auto-labeled clips mined from the fleet. Dedicated speed control for cut-in objects has also been expanded and tuned.

Full Self-Driving Beta V11

Improved Handling During High-Curvature Scenarios: The FSD Beta improves handling during scenarios with high curvature or large trucks by offsetting in-lane to maintain safe distances to other vehicles on the road and increase comfort.

Improved Lane Changes in Dense Traffic Scenarios: The latest FSD Beta allows higher acceleration during the alignment phase, making lane changes smoother by allowing more natural gap selection to overtake adjacent lane vehicles very close to ego.

Improved Path Blockage Lane Changes: Improved behavior for path blockage lane changes in dense traffic. The ego will now maintain more headway in blocked lanes to hedge for possible gaps in dense traffic.

Improved Accuracy for Detecting Other Vehicles’ Moving Semantics: The FSD Beta improves accuracy for detecting other vehicles’ moving semantics by increasing video context in the network, adding more data of these scenarios, and increasing the loss penalty for control-relevant vehicles. Improved precision by 23% for cases where other vehicles transition to driving and reduced error by 12% for cases where Autopilot incorrectly detects its lead vehicle as parked.

Improved Back-to-Back Lane Change Maneuvers: The FSD Beta improves back-to-back lane change maneuvers through better fusion between vision-based localization and coarse map lane counts.

Added Text Blurbs in the User Interface

The FSD Beta adds text blurbs in the user interface to communicate upcoming maneuvers that FSD Beta plans to make. It also improves the visualization of upcoming slowdowns along the vehicle’s path.

Improved Recall and Precision of Object Detection: The FSD Beta improves the recall and precision of object detection. It notably reduces the position error of semi-trucks by 10%, increases the recall and precision of crossing vehicles over 100m away by 3% and 7%, respectively, and increases the recall of motorbikes by 5%. This was accomplished by implementing additional quality checks in the two million video clip autolabeled dataset.

Reduced False Offsetting Around Objects

The FSD Beta reduces false offsetting around objects in wide lanes and near intersections by improving object kinematics modeling in low-speed scenarios.

Final Words:

While there is still some way to go before autonomous driving is truly viable, the latest FSD Beta update shows Tesla is moving closer to achieving its goal. The company’s commitment to improving the technology means that we can expect even more exciting developments in the coming months. The controlled rollout of FSD Beta v11 allows Tesla to fine-tune the software before it becomes available to more drivers, maximizing safety and ensuring a positive driving experience.


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